
Hogwarts legacy release time steam
Hogwarts legacy release time steam

  • Go back in time to Hogwarts in the 1800s.
  • As you explore and come across magical creatures, create potions, personalize your character, learn to cast spells, advance your skills, and become the wizard you want to be, set out on a journey through well-known and unfamiliar locations.
  • You can now direct the action and be the protagonist of your own wizarding-world adventure. The game is likely to see another surge in player counts once it goes on sale and a new audience joins the wizarding world.An all-encompassing, open-world action RPG is Hogwarts Legacy. Previously, popular games like Elden Ring have seen a similar trend. A hundred thousand players may not be huge for a multiplayer title, but single-player games like Hogwarts Legacy are rarely able to retain this many players.

    hogwarts legacy release time steam

    Recent daily peaks for the game have fallen as low as 75K players. While the game reached a daily peak of over 879K players at its best, it has not crossed the 100K mark for the last week. However, this player base has quickly died down since launch, and the game has currently lost nearly 90% of its daily Steam concurrent players. Reaching nearly 900K concurrent players at its peak, Hogwarts Legacy entered the top 10 Steam games.

    hogwarts legacy release time steam hogwarts legacy release time steam

    Two weeks after launch, Hogwarts Legacy had already sold over 12 million copies, and it managed to gather a huge player base on the Steam platform. The title was an enormous success at launch. The game promised many things, and it is safe to say that fans of the franchise were impressed with Avalanche Software’s work on the game. Hogwarts Legacy is the first Harry Potter game in a long time.

    Hogwarts legacy release time steam